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Jumat, 06 April 2012

Belajar Adverbial Clause (Adv. C)

Sekarang bahasa inggris sangat penting bagi pendidikan, karena dengan bahasa inggris kita dpat dengan mudah mencari kerja di mna-mna.
sekarang bahasa inggris juga menjadi standar wisuda, jadi bgi tman-tman harus tau bahasa inggris.

langsung, saja saya akan membagi ilmu, tentang bahasa inggris Adverbial Clause (Adv. C) :


1.       Adv. C of Time
               Conjunction-nya: when (= ketika), whenever (= kapan saja), while (= sementara / ketika), as soon as (= segera setelah), since (= sejak), before (= sebelum), after (= sesudah), until / till (= sampai).
           He came in when I was typing.
               He came in …: Main Clause / Independent Clause.
               when I was typing: Sub(ordinate) Clause / Dependent Clause.
           I have been busy since I last saw you.
           I left just as he entered.

2.       Adv. C of Place
               Conjunction-nya: where (= dimana), wherever (= dimana saja / kemana saja), as far as (= sejauh).
           I put the flash disk where I found it.
           I shall go wherever you go.
           I shall come as far as I can.

3.       Adv. C of Manner
               Conjunction-nya: as (= seperti), as if / as though (= seolah-olah).
           Pronounce the word as I do.
           She talks as if she knew everything.
           He behaves as if he were a manager.
               Like (= seperti) diikuti oleh kata atau phrase bukan clause / kalimat.
               Don’t talk like (= seperti) that. (Simple Sentence)
               Jika ada like yang diikuti clause / kalimat, pemakaiannya tidak baku dan terdapat dalam American English.
               Pronounce the word like (= seperti) I do.

4.       Adv. C of Cause / Reason
               Conjunction-nya: because, as, since, now that, seeing that, considering that, in that (= karena).
           As / since there was no one there, I went away.
           He was absent from work because he was sick. (Complex Sentence)
               Because dan syinonimnya di atas diikuti oleh clause / kalimat bukan kata atau phrase tetapi because of dan syinonimnya, yaitu on account of, owing to, by reason of, dan due to diikuti oleh kata atau phrase bukan kalimat.
               He was absent from work because of (= karena) his sickness. (Simple Sentence)

5.       Adv. C of Concession
               Conjunction-nya: although, though, even though, in spite of the fact that, for all that, notwithstanding (the fact that) (= meskipun).
           He went out in spite of the fact that the weather was bad.
               In spite of the fact that dan syinonimnya di atas diikuti oleh clause / kalimat bukan phrase tetapi in spite of dan synonimnya, yaitu despite dan for all diikuti oleh phrase bukan clause / kalimat.
               He went out in spite of the bad weather.

6.       Adv. C of Condition
               Conjunction-nya: jika (= jika), unless (= jika tidak / kecuali kalau), on condition that, / provided that / providing that / as long as / so long as (= asalkan).
           Type I (untuk waktu yang akan datang)
               If I find your pen, I shall give it to you.
              Verb 1 (V 1)                 V 1

           Type II (untuk waktu sekarang)
               If I found your pen, I should give it to you.
                  V 2                                 V 1
           Type III (untuk waktu lampau)
               If I had found your pen, I should have given it to you.
                         V 3                                           V 3
               (= Had I found your pen, I should have given it to you)
                           V 3                                           V 3
               Contoh yang lain:
           Type I (untuk waktu yang akan datang)
               If I have much money, I shall buy a laptop for you.
                 V 1                                    V 1
           Type II (untuk waktu sekarang)
               If I had much money, I should buy a laptop for you.
                V 2                                      V 1
               had … kata kerja penuh / V 2 yang berarti mempunyai.
           Type III (untuk waktu lampau)
               If I had had much money, I should have bought a laptop for you.
                       V 3                                                  V 3
               (= Had I had much money, I should have bought a laptop for you)
                         V 3                                                 V 3
               Had yang pertama kata kerja bantu, dan had yang kedua kata kerja penuh / V 3 yang berarti mempunyai.
               Jika ada kata kerja penghubung be yang digunakan dalam Adv. C yang type II, kata kerja penghubung be-nya were.
               If He were here, we should be happy. (Type II)
           Unless he does the work, he will not be paid.
           I will accept the job offer provided that I am provided with fringe benefits.

7.       Adv. C of Contingency
               Conjunction-nya: in case (= kalau kalau)
           He wore two watches in case either of them stopped.
8.       Adv. C of Purpose
               Conjunction-nya: so that (= sehingga), in order that, (= agar / supaya), dan lest (= agar tidak).
               Dalam Adv. C of Purpose, setelah subyek digunakan might / may, should / shall, would / will, dan could / can.
           I have written it very clearly so that they can read it very easily.
           He ran quickly in order that he might be late.
           She went to the theatre early in order that she might get a seat. (Complex Sentence)
               In order that diikuti clause / kalimat bukan kata atau phrase tetapi bila in order tidak diikuti oleh that, in order dapat diikuti oleh to infinitive.
               She went to the theatre early in order / so as (= agar) to get a seat. (Simple Sentence)
               He ran quickly in order (= agar) not to be late (= tidak terlambat). (Simple Sentence)

9.       Adv. C of Effect or Result
               Conjunction-nya: so + adjective / adverb + that atau such + noun(s) + that (= begitu … sehingga).
           The weather was so warm that I did not wear a coat.
           We arrived so early that we had to wait for over an hour.
           She is such a shy person that she dislikes talking to strangers.

10.  Adv. C of Comparison
               Conjunction-nya: as + adjective / adverb + as (= se…) / (= sama … dengan), than (= daripada) atau more than (= lebih dari).
           He is as tall as his father is.
           She does it as well as I do.
           He is taller than I am.
           She likes you more than I do.

11.  Adv. C of Proportion
           The harder he worked, the happier he felt. (= Semakin … semakin)

12.  Adv. C of Reservation
               Conjunction-nya: except that / except for the fact that.
           It is a good plan except that it misses out a visit to Yogyakarta. (Complex Sentence)
               Except that diikuti oleh clause / kalimat bukan kata atau phrase tetapi except diikuti oleh kata atau phrase bukan clause / kalimat.
               They went there except Jono and Joni. (Simple Sentence)


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